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W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company
Comprehensive Dictionary
Authored by Shirley Boser
Machete |
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A style of knife manufactured by W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company during World War II for the military. |
Manicure Blade |
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This blade is used to file fingernails. |
Mark Side |
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The term used for the front of a knife, the side with the front of the master blade facing the user. |
Marlinespike (Also Marlin spike or fid) |
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An implement found on some older Case folding knives. It is used on boats to separate strands of rope, untie knots or weaving rope. |
Mary Petro |
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An employee of W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company who retired in 1994, after 70 years of service. |
Master Blade |
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The main blade of a pocketknife or the pocket blade. |
Master Pack |
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A larger package of previously packaged product. |
Match Strike Pull |
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A nail mark with a jagged top line. |
Micarta |
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This is handle material made by impregnating a base material, like wood, paper, or linen, with a phenolic resin made from coal tar. Originally, Westinghouse designed this material for electrical insulation. |
Miracl-Edge TM |
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A term used to describe a scalloped edge on some knives at W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company. |
Mirror Polish |
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A high-polish blade finish that resembles a mirror. |
Mother-of-Pearl |
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A handle material that comes from the inner lining of a marine shell that is harvested in the Far East. White Mother-of-Pearl can come from White Lip shells or Gold Lip shells. Mother-of-Pearl is also used to make jewelry. |
Music Wire |
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A round steel spring used in place of the pollywog in some lockback knives; for example, Case's Mini Blackhorn. |
Muskrat |
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A knife pattern with two thin "muskrat" California clip blades, one on each end of the knife. |