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W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company
Comprehensive Dictionary

Authored by Shirley Boser

Saber Clip or Spear Blade - This blade is beveled for part of its width, making it stronger than regular clip or spear blades. It is sometimes referred to as Stabber Jacks.
Saber Grind - A grinding process that concave grinds (or slightly curves both sides of the blade inward) the bottom half of the blade down to the edge.
Sambar Stag (Sambhar) - Antler of a large Indian deer. Sambar Stag is used at Case for their stag handles along with Chital Stag from India.
Satin Finish - A dull finish on blades usually with grind lines visible; such as, Case's M1059L SS
Saw Blade - The saw-like edge is used for sawing bone and gristle in meat. Its design allows it to be used for a variety of outdoor uses including cutting through small twigs. It also offers a screwdriver tip.
Sawteeth - A type of serration designed to cut wood, rope, metal, or ice.
Scabbard - A cardboard sleeve that slides over cutlery or fixed blades, used to protect blades from damage and workers from injury.
Scales - A term used to describe the liners including the bolsters of a knife handle. Scales may be covered with wood, stag, bone, pearl, or a variety of synthetics to complete the knife handle.
Scallops - A grind, similar to serration, given to the edge of a knife. Scallop edges have a curved shape similar to Case's "Miracl-Edge."
Screw Driver/Cap Lifter Blade - This blade is designed for use as a screw driver and cap lifter.
Screw Driver/Wire Scrapper - Electrician blade used for scraping wire, etc.
Scrimshaw - An art form made popular by American whaler carvings on whalebone in the 1800s. Today, this is completed on the knife handles made of ivory, bone, or paper Micarta. Scrimshaw sports intricate designs carved on the material with scribe and color filled with ink.
Script Shield - A special Case shield with Case spelled out in script and inlaid in the handle of the knife.
Scrolled Bolsters - Engraved scroll work on bolsters, sometimes applied for specialty sets.
Second Cut Stag - Pieces of stag or bone that are jigged and dyed to look like stag. Case has a process of Second Cut jigging bone for Special Factory Orders. Currently, Case does not second cut stag although it has been done in the past.
Senator - An equal-end pen knife with straight sides.
Serialize - The manufacturing process of consecutively numbering each individual knife in a series.
Serrations - A grind pattern on the edge of some knives that has notches or a tooth pattern like a saw.
Shackle - A metal ring attached to a knife bolster, enabling it to be connected to a belt or key ring; also called a bail.
Shadow - A pocketknife without bolsters.
Shaw-Leibowitz - An artistic couple who was prominent in the knife business for twenty years. Their etching and "lost wax" process created some highly priced and collectable knives. Two examples of Case knives that featured the "lost wax" process are the Pennsylvania Tricentennial and the 1980 Winter Olympics Commemorative knife.
Sheepfoot or Coping Blade - Generally, a secondary blade designed with more strength at the point of the blade making it a good tool for carving chews out of tobacco plugs, electrical blade and general purpose. It has keen point for close work.
Shield - The company emblem glued or pinned into a cavity in the knife handle material, usually the front or mark side. Case shields are generally made of nickel silver
Shoulder - The area of a blade where the ground part indents as it meets the tang.
Shrink-Wrap - The packaging process of wrapping a package in clear cellophane and sealing the seams with a heat sealer.
Silk Screen - The art of painting a color design or logo on smooth covers, blades, or handles.
Skinner Blade - A pocket blade with an up-swept blade at tip, used for skinning purposes.
Slab Side Hunters - A fixed blade hunting knife with a full tang blade, a guard (or bolster), two covers, and a but cap; also called a pommel.
Sleeveboard Knife - A knife pattern with slightly tapered handles that is rounded at both ends and shaped like a small ironing board
Slick Black - A man-made hard rubber or composition handle material that is smooth in appearance.
Slim Serpentine Jack - A term used for a jack-knife with a slim crooked shape; for example Case's '048 pattern. Case's '048 pattern is called the Slimline Trapper or single Utility Knife.
Smatchette - Machete style knife manufactured during World War II for the military.
Smooth Bone - Bone handles left in its natural smooth state no jigging.
South Bradford Factory - The third factory built in 1975 for W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company is located at Owens Way, Bradford, PA. This factory and offices are in full operation today.
Sowbelly - A knife pattern which has a rounded back on the knife which resembles the shape of a pig's belly: such as, Case' TB6339. This is used as heavy-duty cattleman/stockman knife.
Spacers - A component used on some knife handles and found between the bolsters and scales.
Spatula Blade - This blade was used for mixing powders or salves by doctor and physicians; also used for counting pills.
Spear Blade - A blade used for a pocketknife; also called point blade
Special Factory Order - A manufacturing or process order for a non-standard product. There a certain rules for a special factory order as this is a contacted agreement between the customer and the manufacturer.
Spey (Spay) Blade - A thin, pocketknife blade with a rounded point referred to as a flesh blade or cattle blade used for castration of farm animals, etc.
Spoon Blade - This blade is used as a utensil for eating; designed for use in the Hobo or Slot knives.
Spring Retainer - A metal piece used to hold music wire in a lock knife, instead of using a pollywog.
Springer - A term used for a spring-operated switchblade.
Square Bolster - A pocketknife that has the bolsters squared off on both ends.
Stag - Deer antler used to make knife handles. The desirable stag comes from India or Europe. Case uses Sambar Stag or Chital Stag from India.
Staglon - This is imitation stag handle material.
Stainless Steel - The 420 high carbon stainless or Tru-Sharp surgical steel, is the stainless steel of choice at Case. Stainless steel is more resistant to rust than Chrome Vanadium and not as hard to resharpen as ATS-34.
Stamina Wood - A trade name for a laminated hardwood used as a knife handle; for example, Case's 6265.
Standard Jig - A jigging pattern with larger, courser cavities than Rogers jig. Standard jig is our most popular jigging pattern and is used on most of our standard catalog items.
Stiletto - A thin dagger.
Stockman Knife - A double-ended knife pattern with a curved handle. The stockman patterns generally have two springs and three blades; a clip master, a small spey, and sheepfoot or other small blade. The main blade and a smaller blade are located at the end bolster and the other smaller blade is located at the cap bolster.
Straightening - A manufacturing operation for perfecting blade fall in an assembled pocketknife.
Sunfish - This is a large double-end jack knife; also called elephant toenail.
Surgical Pen Blade - This blade is used for field surgery and other fine, delicate work.
Surgical Steel - This is another term for high-carbon stainless steel such as Tru-Sharp.
Swedge - The ground edge along the top of the blade from the point and up toward the tang of the blade (also called the false edge).
Swelled-Center Knife - A knife pattern with the center of the handle curved sharply outward at the center; shaped like an old glass COKE bottle. This is also called the "COKE Bottle Pattern." Also Swell-Center Jack knife.
Switchblade - A folding knife with a blade that is opened by pressing a release. A spring in the knife makes the blade swing out when the release is pressed.

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