Posts in category Information

The Tantalizing Tanto

The Tantalizing Tanto

    A question that has come up for me a few times now is in regard to the tanto style blade, the style of which you currently see most frequently in the Case product line in the Kinzua Bradford Flipper. The question I’ve had now my fair share is simply where the Tanto style originated […]



With the reveal of the recent set of Case knife flippers, there comes a question as to what the names mean. It’s an interesting little back story to each of them; one that I think is worth sharing, since they really tie in well with Bradford, if not Pennsylvania as a whole. To start with, […]

Virtual Celebration 2020

Virtual Celebration 2020

  We’re well on our way through the year and boy what a year its been. Unprecedented, is what comes to mind in regards to how you could describe the past few months, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we’re now all scrambling to make up for lost time. But […]

The Case Tang Stamp Series

The Case Tang Stamp Series

Tang stamps are a useful tool. That, of course, is the understatement of the century; Tang stamps are a quick way to get a rundown on a timeframe for when a Case knife was turned from parts into a full-on functioning knife, and serve to narrow down a production date within a decade on average. […]

July 20th

July 20th

On July 20th, 1969, three intrepid men aboard the Apollo 11 spaceflight took to the sea of stars above, and, with the backing of thousands of hours of ingenuity, commitment, and planning, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed upon the moon and claimed it for mankind. This accomplishment inspired an entire generation, creating a fervor […]

An Anniversary To Remember

An Anniversary To Remember

On July 20th 1969, America and the world dreamed again. Amidst the Cold War between America and the USSR came what would be known as the Space Race, an urgent rush between the two super powers to send the first man into the great unknown. Though this man-controlled voyage into orbit was accomplished first by […]

The 2019 Branson Tour Event

The 2019 Branson Tour Event

The “Keep Your Hands Sharp Tour” is coming to Branson MO on Saturday July 20th from 9 to 12.  John Sullivan, Director of Special Promotions for Case will be our special guest, we’ll have an exclusive Case XX knife for the event, deals on several of our knife products, hourly drawings, and a grand prize […]

Sneak Peak at Case XX June 1st Auctio...

Sneak Peak at Case XX June 1st Auction

Click on the image above to see a larger slideshow view. Edit: The Case XX auction is now live and ready to be viewed here: We’ve got ourselves an ALERT!: The auction coming our way June 1st is so extensive and different I couldn’t help but drop a line ahead of time for everyone to […]

The May 2019 Case XX Auction

The May 2019 Case XX Auction

With the first of May now on us, that means  the start of another intriguing auction. This one’s got quite the selection, between such items as a Red Stag Damascus Tiny Toothpick, an Abalone Mini Moose, and a Confederate Army shield Gray Bone Slimline Trapper, there’s something for everyone.  But I think the show stealer […]

Setting Sail For a Grand Sale

Setting Sail For a Grand Sale

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. It’s just a little ditty that we grew up on, a little rhyme to remember a few facts. Columbus took to the ocean to find a better trade route to distant lands.  A big aid for the explorer were his three ships: The Nina, The Pinta, and the […]