So, have you heard the news? It’s that time again: Time for everyone to pack up and head out west to the Oregon Knife Show!
The Oregon Knife Show is one of the biggest cutlery events west of the Mississippi, holding nearly 500 tables and is absolutely loaded with cool stuff, ranging from tools to swords to hatpins to kitchen knives. And, rumor has it, there might even be a pocket knife or two thrown into the mix. Anything that cuts, odds are it’ll be there.
Like usual, Shepherd Hills Cutlery will be in attendance at one of the dealer tables and we’ll be eager to talk shop and just about anything else on your mind. On top of that, we’ll be coming with the whole kit and caboodle: a ton of different Case pocket knives, including new releases and special priced deals on some old favorites.
If you’re in the area, be sure to stop by our table and say ‘hi’. We’d love to see you!
The doors are open this Friday, April 8th for OKCA Members only, then the party will be full-swing Saturday and Sunday from 8 to 5 and 9 to 3, respectively. For more information regarding the event, please visit the Oregon Knife Show’s webpage at