The Rail Splitter


I consider it a duty to inform people of interesting auction items. Be that things like the Jaguar, unique handles, or otherwise. I’m here to protect and serve the knife community like some sort of knife-cop.

Well, the metaphor sounded better in my head, to be honest.

Moving right along, I’m here to tell you all about an old pattern on this auction. Pattern 99.

Known by a few names such as the ‘swell end’, ‘torpedo’ or, due to its size, the “rail splitter’, this 4 1/8th is a jack knife of surprising heft, comparable to a trapper knife, and held two blades, mainly clip master blades and pen secondary blades that, in their initial release, were only sold in traditional chrome vanadium. The three primary handle styles (Yellow Synthetic, Stag, and Bone) were discontinued in the early to mid-70’s, save for a brief reappearance in the mid-to-late 90’s when Case brought the pattern back from its retirement, usually in the form of a mint set.

If the two-bladed Rail-Splitter sounds appealing, be sure to take a look at the auction! Best of luck on your bids!